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The Best People

1 Minute Read

Every company says they have the best people. They don't. You don't. Nearly all have average people. Their accountants are average accountants. Their sales people are average sales people. Their software engineers are average software engineers... and so on...

If you understand basic statistics then you know there is no such thing as a world where every company has above average people. In fact, the more people you have the more average they are as a group. The 50% of people who are below average in their profession work somewhere (Hint: some of them are at your company).

Stop worrying so much about hiring “the best.” You can't beat the odds.

Instead, attract and hire the people who will best contribute to improving your culture. Notice I didn't say “fit your culture.” Culture is constantly evolving and it needs to be nurtured. I don't mean the slogans and words on the wall. I mean the real culture: the shared beliefs, artifacts, rituals, and behaviors. Hire people who will make your culture better and help them grow.